Main information about the provider of social services:

Autonomous non-profit organisation “Centre for Development of Innovative Social Services “Partnership for Every Child”

Date of state registration: 21.09.2009

Date of registration in the “Register of Social Services Providers in St Petersburg”:
17.02.2017, № 7830135

Founder: Liudmila Sorokina

Legal and factual address: 197183 St Petersburg, Primorsky Pr., 33А, office 1-Н.

Opening hours for recipients of social services: 10:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Provision of social services in the form of home care is offered at all times, depending on the needs of the recipient of social services, every day of the week including weekends and public holidays.

Provision of social services in the form of partial inpatient care is offered 10:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Office tel./fax: +7 (812) 430-5988, +7 (812) 431-0460, +7 (812) 431-0461.


Information about the volume of social services provided with funding assigned through budgetary allocations out of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation
In 2017, a total of 4 624 social services were provided in the form of home-based social care to 61 children with disability. In 2018, a total of 13 491 social services were provided in the form of home-based social care to 74 children with disability.



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